Episode 11 – Energy

Episode 11 – Energy Show Highlights: Energy is the intangible part that makes up everything in the spiritual world as well as the backroads of the Middle World. Source for energy include: the earth, the universe, the Ancestors, the self and more. Energy is used...

Episode 10 – Love and Fear

Episode 10 – Love and Fear Show Highlights: Every thought has an emotion associated with it – they occur in tandem. Every emotion has an associated desire – a need to put energy in motion toward some end effect. Desire is the motivation that propels...

Episode 6 – Shame and Sex

Episode 6 – Shame and Sex Show Highlights: Shame about our sexuality manifests in our lives in many ways including asexuality, sexual self-destruction or clandestine sexual encounters that are unsafe or illegal. Shame originates from either our upbringing,...