Gay / Queer Love Magic Herbs

Throughout time, magic spells have been crafted to draw love and an ideal partner. Plants and herbs are effective allies in crafting such spells and searching on-line you will find a long list of flowers, plants and herbs magicians use for love spells. The plant...

Magic & Prophecy

In the rich and diverse world of spirituality, a unique journey emerges at the crossroads of gay love and shamanistic practices, known as the Unnamed Path. This path includes a blend of magic and prophecy, offering a profound way for Men Who Love Men to connect with...

Episode 67 – Seership

Episode 67 – Seership Show Highlights: Seership is a unique system of prophecy used in the Unnamed Path to fetch information from the Guides, Gods or Ancestors. Learn how to use the “half-trance” to visit the Well of Eternity to fetch information....

Episode 57 – Prophecy: Scrying

Episode 57 – Prophecy: Scrying Show Highlights: Scrying is a form of prophecy that requires a visual focal object upon which the gaze is rested until ideas and images come to the mind. Typical forms of scrying foci include: crystal ball, black mirror, bowl of...

Episode 54 – Love Spells: Me First!

Episode 54 – Love Spells: Me First! Show Highlights: Loving yourself first having your own needs met. Preparation and materials needed for a spell to fall in love with yourself. Detailed discussion on how to create a candle spell to fall in love with yourself....