Unnamed Path
A spiritual tradition for men who love men

Join the tribe!
Unnamed Path is an ever-emerging spiritual tradition sourced from the ancestral current of Men Who Love Men. When you walk the Unnamed Path you never walk alone.
Discovering Gay & Queer Male Mysteries
Unnamed Path Podcast
The groundbreaking original 71 Podcasts of The Unnamed Path recorded by our late founder, Eddy ‘Hyperion’ Gutiérrez.
Stone and Stang
Stone and Stang is Unnamed Path’s in-person and virtual spiritual gathering for Men Who Love Men.
Unnamed Path Blog
Unnamed Path is a deep, ever-evolving spiritual tradition for the tribe of Men Who Love Men. These articles in the form of blog posts delve deeper.
Four Parts of the Unnamed Path
Journey through the under, middle, and upper worlds and build relationships with our deities, the Ancestors of Men Who Love Men, and spirit allies.
Energy Healing
Channel healing energy using Unnamed Path’s system to restore harmony and vitality back to body, mind, emotions and soul.
Death Walking
Contact and work with spirits of the dead using mediumship and necromancy. Midwife the dying through Death Doula and psychopomp work.
Magic & Prophecy
Meet your magical goals through traditional witchcraft, spell work, and folk magic. Access information through seership, divination, spirit contact and possession work.
Join the tribe and grow with us
Unnamed Path is an initiatory spiritual tradition. Apprenticeship leads you to become proficient through the four parts of the Unnamed Path. Meet and form relationships with the deities and Ancestors of Men Who Love Men, develop your spiritual practice, engage with inner alchemy and shadow work. Step into your power as a member of the tribe of Men Who Love Men.