Episode 35 – The Shadow Self

Episode 35 – The Shadow Self Show Highlights: There are three parts to the self: the Higher Self, the Conscious Self and the Shadow Self. In the Unnamed Path we strive to heal the Shadow Self and integrate it into our total being. The Shadow Self needs to be...

Episode 33 – Out of the Shaman’s Closet

Episode 33 – Out of the Shaman’s Closet Show Highlights: The Unnamed Path is not for everyone – it is a lonely path that requires lots of dedication and deep inner-plane work. Self-Determination empowers the individual to create his place in society...

Episode 31 – Sexual Energy Healing

Episode 31 – Sexual Energy Healing Show Highlights: The outcome of sex between Men-Who-Love-Men is an explosion of healing energy, where as the outcome of sex between a man and a woman is life/procreation. The healing energy that comes out of sex results from a...