
Introduction to Unnamed Path

Unnamed Path is a dynamic spiritual tradition for Men Who Love Men that was revealed to us by the Ancestors to empower gay men and queer people to live authentic, rich, and empowered lives. The apprenticeship experience consolidates the foundations, body of lore, and techniques of the tradition to encourage apprentices to identify and live their own spirituality. And if inspired to move deeper into the current, it also prepares them for initiation and living Unnamed Path.

Class Availability and Announcements

At this time, classes are offered based on teacher availability. When another series of classes are getting ready to start, the teacher or teachers for that course will make an announcement through Discord, Facebook, or our website. Please join us in those spaces to connect with the broader community and receive any relevant updates.

Application Process

When an announcement is made, this is usually accompanied by an application. It is recommended to submit applications at your earliest availability. Please be aware applying does not automatically guarantee acceptance. If accepted, you will receive notification and be eligible to start classes as outlined per that teacher’s syllabus and class structure.

Training Options: Local and Distance

We are not centralized, and many teachers offer distance training through Zoom, Discord, or another telecommunication service. The option for local training is entirely dependent on the availability of any teacher, their preference, and your proximity to them.

Teacher Diversity and Experience

We also embrace teacher diversity in Unnamed Path. Alongside their apprenticeship experience, having demonstrated proficiency with each of the four parts of the tradition and cultivated relationships with the Ancestors and deities of Unnamed Path, all teachers have also undergone advanced training, provided mentorship to apprentices, and moved through this experience for a second time. All lesson plans are also peer reviewed prior to being granted the designation of teacher.

It should also be noted that every teacher also embodies any traditions, relationships, and training fostered in their personal spiritual practices. A core objective of apprenticeship is learning to live spirituality. What this looks like as the path comes to life for each of us will be our own experience. However, regardless of the teacher, the apprenticeship experience is focused exclusively on the energetic current of Unnamed Path.

Duration and Structure of Apprenticeship

The apprenticeship itself is a minimum of a one-year duration, but this experience may be extended due to class structure or needs of the apprentice. This also applies to the lessons. Lessons are at least biweekly (one class every two weeks) with homework assigned per class. This is to allow apprentices the opportunity to integrate the teachings through practice and experience with the material before moving onward into new lessons.

In-Person Weekends

There are also two in-person weekends that require attendance as part of the apprenticeship experience. These provide a hybrid learning experience and provide space for hands-on application and practice of the material. They are also social opportunities with your class and possibly other Unnamed Path initiates. The first is halfway through the course and the second happens at the end of classes, potentially culminating with initiation.

Financial Considerations

For the sake of clarity, there are financial considerations associated with apprenticeship. Each teacher will have his or their own policy regarding these matters. However, there is an exchange for the lessons. Apprentices are also responsible for their travel and lodging expenses related to the in-person events.


Connect with the Unnamed Path Community

If you are interested in connecting with teachers and the broader Unnamed Path community, join us on Discord and Facebook. The Unnamed Path podcast is an excellent resource and is available on our website, Spotify, Apple Podcasts. Feel free to listen and ask questions.

Enjoy the journey!